Our Tour de Mt. Blanc involved 16 friends, 63 miles, 8 days and 6 nights, 3 countries. Some of us arrived fresh from the States, with more travels planned after our hike. Some of us arrived after exploring other areas. Before we met our group, Jeff and I spent a few days before the checking…
Travel Everywhere
Destinations and itineraries for exploring the far corners of the globe.
18 Days in Mongolia & Tibet
From Chengis Khan to the Dalai Lama When Gabe spent a season with a fly-fishing outfit in Mongolia, I literally had to search the map to find the country (it’s neatly tucked between Russia and China.) What better time to explore this wild corner of the world, PLUS spend 6 days in a boat with…
10 Days in France
Normandy, Mont Saint Michel, and *sigh* Paris. Our first trip to France marked a significant moment in our lives… our youngest son packed his bags and headed off to college. Three boys launched into the world! That deserved a celebration. We planned a trip to France: Paris for me, and the Normandy coast for Jeff….
10 Days in Ireland
A 10 day itinerary in Ireland along the Atlantic Way and into Dublin.