Itineraries, Destinations and Stories
from Favorite Places
A place starts out as a dot on a map, a 2D convergence of roads or trails. Maybe you’ve heard stories or seen images that pull you closer to exploring that place, that make you crave the smells and sounds and energy that only comes from being present. From breathing deep and mingling with strangers and pushing your boundaries and connecting across languages. The dots on the map translate to people and flavors and stories and adventure, and the world grows both bigger and smaller.

This map has hung over the couch in the family room since our boys were young. Most pins mark family trips, but some go way back to pre-parenthood adventures. Newer pins document travels since the boys have launched, and places where we meet up with them on their own journeys. The pins spark stories and memories, but mostly when I look at the map I study the pin-free areas yet to be explored. And then I start planning ways to fill in the blanks. I hope these stories help you add pins to your own maps!